Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Saving Marriage for Real Americans

My mom and dad were married for over fifty years, until my dads death. In all those years I never heard them have a fight. They disagreed sometimes, but I never heard mean words or name calling between them. Mom and dad were married in a Catholic ceremony in a Catholic church and went on to raise a large family. Dad went to work every day, sometimes at two jobs, while mom stayed home to raise the children and manage their busy household. This to me is a 'traditional marriage'.

Here in Florida, we recently voted on a ballot proposition to protect traditional marriages from communist lefties who would like to open up the rights and benefits of marriage to same sex couples. I couldn't agree more, and I voted that way. It is a well known fact that many heterosexual marriages are just hanging by a thread, and if we allowed gays to marry, all those marriages would just crumble. We need to protect them.

But why stop there? I would like the government to get more involved, and put even more such propositions on the ballot. In fact I would like them to spell out 'traditional marriage' even further. As the churches have said, "we must protect the spirit and sanctity of marriage". In that vein I would like to propose that the government only recognize marriages that are sanctified in a church ceremony. Further more, only those of the Christian faith should be allowed to marry, and reap the benefits of that institution. All those other faiths are just going to hell anyway, so why acknowledge their depravity? On another note, we also need to outlaw divorce, because if anything threatens the sanctity of marriage, allowing people to split up kind of ruins it right there. Marriage, being for the benefit of children, should also be outlawed for those who are infertile or past their childbearing years. Childless couples who get married are just mocking the institution.

I understand how hurt straight couples, who have been married for years, must feel having their choice of heterosexuality made moot by the marriage of fags and dykes. If the gays want to get married so badly, they should have chosen heterosexuality. Maybe while we are at it, we should put another proposition on the ballot. One that outlaws marriage between Caucasians and Negros. I say, keep America blonde.


  1. Right on! Why do we need the State or Government to recognize marriage anyway?

    What we really need are laws to protect children from being unwanted, abandoned, and abused by hetrosexual couples who marry.

    Anyone wanting to procreate to have children should need a license. They should have to take child rearing courses, have jobs, and homes. They should prove that they are competant and committed enough to have children.

    The way I see it is Gays were allowed to marry and adopt they could raise all these unwanted, abandoned, and abused children from those cetain hetrosexuals that breed (I apologize. I mean Procreate.) indiscrimanently.

    Most hetrosexuals are responsible.

    Many gays are more educated and well off with expendable incomes to raise children and sent them to college.

    We are a valuable resource in making our country a better place for our children.

    But the religous right has targeted us. The way I see it, they are part of the problem rather than the solution.

    There should be complete separation of church and State. No religious groups should be allowed to participate in government law making in any way, form, or manner. And there should be laws saying so.

  2. I sure that priests would be very good at teaching child rearin.

  3. I think people may have taken this as serious.
    I see sarcasm, which of course I find appalling.

  4. Once again Alan's limited memory of his childhood is evident! Never heard his parents fight??!!!! Or use "mean words or name call"??!!! What house did HE grow up in?? I remember worrying that they WOULD get a divorce as a child and wondering why they didn't as a teen-ager. But I'm glad that he has such a fairy-tale memory to remember...

  5. Disclaimer
    This blog is in no way to be considered as fact. It is my remembrances of things I think happened to me, and I often exaggerate for comedic effect.
    Please feel free to comment, good or bad.

    Always read this blog with that disclaimer in mind. Probably I was so aware of them yelling at me that I never even realized sometimes it was at each other.

  6. Wow, this touched a nerve.

  7. Alan: I agree that divorce should just be made illegal. Perhaps then, less people would get married to begin with...
