Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Monkeys and Bozos

I'm slowly, very slowly, getting things together for my upcoming yard sale. It's absolutely amazing how much useless crap there is around this house. The first place I'm trying to tackle is my office. Mark insists that he is not responsible for the clutter and mayhem in my office, and at some level I feel that frees me to take everything I find in there and put a price tag on it. But of course it's not that easy. For every one item I know I can get away with selling, the next two require me to check with Mark.
"How about this Lamb Chops puppet, and Bozo Doll?"
"Oh my god, not my Lamby puppet. I've had that since 1994. The Bozo doll you can sell."
So the puppet is a heirloom, but Bozo isn't. I'm pretty sure I could sell the stupid puppet easier than Bozo, but that's the way it's going.

One of the biggest problems with selling off useless, and stupid things, is the fact that many of them were gifts from Mark. Like the automatronic monkey head. I still remember receiving that gift about six Christmases ago.
"Oh, how nice. A monkey head."
"There's a switch in the back. Turn it on. It makes noise."
So for two hours, every time I walked by the monkey head it would awaken, start screaming, and wag back and forth. As you can imagine the novelty of that wore off quickly, not to mention the fact that it was terrorizing the dog and cats. So now I'm trying to figure out how much to sell the monkey head for. It comes with an AC adapter, a remote control panel, and hours of laughs. To be exact, it comes with less than two hours of laughs.


  1. Clowns and that monkey head. Your yard sale shaping up to look like Twilight Zone episodes.

  2. Loyal Alan Blog ReaderApril 5, 2011 at 10:54 AM

    Can you show us loyal Alan Blog readers a preview of the yard sale? There may be a few items we would like to purchase! Looks like it's going to be a great yard sale!

  3. Like I said Alicia and Alexis need to run this yard sale. Taking turns of course.

  4. OMG!! I think that monkey head beats the pants off the stupid singing "fish on a plaque" that people think is soooo funny! And we had to tell everyone NOT to buy any of us the buck head trophy that talked. Amazing what people will spend their money on....we'd be rich if we could just get rid of our common sense and come up with another stupid idea!

  5. how much you want for the monkey
