Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Around the fourth grade I started wondering about what the nuns were telling me about god and religion. What set it off might have been when I questioned the nun about a timeline in a story, and she came up with some cockamamie explanation about people living hundreds of years in biblical times. It doesn't matter. I now have my beliefs, and everyone else has theirs. If somebody wants to believe in an afterlife, or reincarnation, that's fine. If it makes them feel better, good for them. What I don't like is when people need to get me in on it all, just so that what they believe in is validated.

I have known Nonny from across the street, for almost twenty years. We stop and chat often, gossiping and trading news about who did what on our street. I know that she's Catholic, so I have a bit of a soft spot for her. My mom is Catholic, and about the same age, that's why I feel that way. I myself, don't believe in religion, god, or an afterlife, but I never tell people that. I don't need their approval. Easter Sunday I saw Nonny all dressed up, and getting into her car. "Off to Easter Mass?", I called over to her. Nonny stopped, and we proceeded to have one of our little chats. All very nice and friendly. Then as we said goodbye, and Nonny was climbing into her car, she called out to me, "I'm praying for you Alan!". Why would Nonny think she would have to pray for me? What about me is so awful that she needs to beg god to intercede? It was kind of an insult.

Look, if Nonny, or anybody else thinks that they would like to help me by praying to god, I say fine, but I don't think I need to know about it. Just saying you'll pray for me, implies that you think I have a flaw, that there is something wrong with me. I think it's kind of rude, and it bothered me all day. So later while we were all sitting around at the bar and drinking, I lifted my vodka up, and said, "Here's to Nonny.". Now do you think it will make her feel any better if I tell her later, that we drank vodka on Easter Sunday in her honor?


  1. Vodka on Easter Sunday! Horrors! What would Alicia say? Hope you and Alexis at least had a good time...hehe

  2. You pray your way and she prays her way. Both are valid and acceptable. I think she means that she's keeping you in her thoughts and sending positive energy your direction. I wouldn't assume that it implies faults. Everyone should pray for everyone. ...and that's the thruthththth.

  3. Alan, don't take offense...she obviously likes you. For a religious person, saying they'll pray for you is the biggest gift they can give you. If she knows about your vision issues perhaps that is what she prays for....or maybe that someday you'll go to church with her!! Just say thank you and know that she feels good by including you in her prayers. Now it is YOU that has done a good deed!
