Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Is That Ed Norton?

It's kind of spooky late at night when I walk Chandler. From the strange cars that occasionally pass by, to the crazy critters that meander around in the dark, it can be scary. The spook factor is probably why Sasha refuses to go for a walk at night and relieves herself in Mark's shower instead. During one walk last year Chandler stopped by one of his favorite sewers. Every time we pass it he has to stop and sniff the thing, only this time when he put his nose to the sewer grate a strange growling sound came from below. Chandler and I both jumped back. Not knowing what the hell was down there, an alligator, a snake, or maybe some kind of exotic lizard, I decided to grab my dog and get gone.

Over time that incident faded from my thoughts, and Chandler continued to sniff the sewer grate when we'd walk by it. Last night he paid special attention to that sewer. He started whining, and pawing at the grate, so I shone my flashlight down there. Looking back up at me through the holes in the sewer cover were two cute little bandit eyes. There was a raccoon down there, and instead of running off into the sewer pipe, it reached up and tried to touch Chandler's nose. Who knew? There are raccoons living in the sewers. Rabid, flea infested, yet extremely cute raccoons. What a crazy thing to see down there. Next thing you know, there will be alligators in the New York sewer system.


  1. I had an orphaned baby raccoon for a year when I was little. I walked it on a leash like a dog. When it turned a year old it bit the sh*t out of my dad and he said it was time to let it go live at the lake.
    Of course I named it Bandit.

  2. U should have opened the grate to let it out. Maybe it was trapped.

  3. I can barely lift the vodka bottle, and you want me to lift that heavy sewer grate? The raccoons get in the sewer system through the inlet on the canal just about a hundred feet away. I checked in the morning, and ever since. No raccoons in the sewer again.

  4. I wonder what the neighbors thought when they saw you inspecting the sewers?
