Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Yesterday I decided that I had let the weeds in the yard to go too far. You have to understand that weeds in Florida are unlike northern weeds. Down here they tend to creep. And by creep, I mean they grow by the foot, per day. What you call house plants in Chicago turn into giant house eating vines here. I am not kidding, as I pulled the weeds/vines off the side of the house, huge chunks of stucco came with them. They literally root in the stucco.

To get the low lying weeds, I fired up the weed whacker. Within seconds the nylon whacking line had been chewed off so I bumped it against the ground to dispense more nylon line. Nothing came out. I had used it all and it was time to reload. Unfortunately I did not have another cartridge, so it was off to Home Depot to buy one. There is some kind of devious plot by the manufacturers of weed whackers. They sell you a weed whacker, and within one year of selling you that model, they discontinue it along with the line cartridges that you need to refill it. Basically you only get the one or two cartridges that come with the whacker. Over the years I think I have bought and thrown out at least ten or more perfectly good weed whackers simply because I couldn't get a refill. I have figured out a solution to this though. The United States Army has announced that it is selling off a bunch of weapons it used in Iraq and Afghanistan. I'm getting myself a flame thrower.


  1. have you tried searching the internet for those discontinued spools like or ebay?

  2. Garrett has a good idea...I do that for all my outdated tools 'n such.

    Just got new rasp edge and jig saw blades. (bonus butch points...)

  3. If my girlfriend and I ever vacation in Florida can we buy you and Mark a drink? (Feeling chipper and social today)

  4. Hostess, of course you can buy us a drink. And I'm sorry to hear your girlfriend put you through the chipper. She must have watched Fargo last night.

  5. So, Garrett and Hostess, you're suggesting that I not use a flame thrower? Party poopers.

