Monday, March 1, 2010

Don't Get Cheeky With Me

Did you know that Rush Limbaugh got out of the draft, and thus out of serving in the Viet Nam War, because he had some kind of boil on his ass? If I had known it was that easy, I'd have never told them that I was gay. Although, I think my way was less degrading.

About a month ago I noticed a rash on my buttocks, and despite using every cream I could find in the medicine cabinet, it continued to grow and increase in itching. I finally went to the doctor, and he told me it was a fungus. A fungus? All I could conjure up in my mind were a bunch of little mushrooms growing on my butt. It gave me the creeps. The doc gave me an antifungal cream and in just a few days the rash disappeared. Then last Wednesday something else popped up on my right ass cheek about the size of a potato. Reaching back and giving it an inspection by hand, I immediately thought to myself, "Holy crap, the fungus is back and this time it's huge." I figured it would go away with the cream, but within twenty four hours it had doubled in size, and every time I sat down it was like a knife jabbing me in the butt. Once again I was off to the doctor. "It's a boil, and has nothing to do with the fungus.", He advised me. So now I am on antibiotics and have to sit in the bathtub three times a day. The doctor told me it would come to a head and drain out, and if that didn't happen I should return and he'd lance it. I hope it goes away soon. I can't sit, I can't walk, and right now I am kneeling on the floor in front of the computer writing this. Maybe the draft board should have looked for guys with boils on their asses instead of deferring them. It would make them really mean and nasty. Just ask Mark.


  1. Fellow boil suffererMarch 1, 2010 at 8:23 AM

    Ouch! I feel you pain Alan. I had a boil once and had to have it lanced. Hurt like hell before and hurt like hell afterwards but eventually it did go away. Good luck!!

  2. Anonymous imposterMarch 1, 2010 at 8:31 AM

    T.M.I. What is this blog coming too? A blog about farts and farting, dog doo, ass boils, injuries, nose hair, and even drag queens.

    Well, it is called Alan's World. Just imagine 20 years from now...maybe it will be called Alan's Anatomy Parts and Ailments.

  3. Alan, I feel closer to you now somehow....and at the same time repelled.

    May your ass come to a head quickly.

  4. It's so sweet. Mark, knowing how bad I felt went out and bought me a little present to buoy me through my ailment. It's a blow up ass ring. It works, I'm sitting on it right now.

  5. Did he get it at Goodyear?

  6. A blow up ass ring? Did he insert it for you too before he blew it up?

    Sounds like a low T4 count to me.

  7. My immune system is just fine thank you. Doctor said it was either an clogged sweat gland, or an ingrown hair. So add the picture of my hairy ass sweating to the rest of it.
