Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hot Town, Winter in the City

Marilyn Monroe Sculpture on Michigan Avenue, Chicago
While walking Chandler around the block yesterday afternoon I couldn't help but notice that it might have been our best weather of the year. Seventy two degrees, about half the sky filled with clouds, and a fresh breeze coming in off the ocean, it really was a great day. The brisk temperatures, and breeze seemed to give Chandler some extra energy as he ran from bush to bush, giving each one a quick sniff for pee-worthyness, and then moving on. I, on the other hand, let my mind drift off to what January was like when I lived in Chicago. Bitter, nasty cold, with tons of snow. I hated it. As I walked along, I formulated my blog for Tuesday. I'd do another one of my gloating stories about how nice it was here, and how horrible it was back in Chicago. It had even snowed over the weekend up there, and I could use that to show everyone how much superior our winters are down here. The problem is that by the time I sat down to write this, the snow had melted. It was like forty five degrees in Chicago. Not bad by their standards. In fact I would have to admit, if all Chicago winters were like the one they are having this year, I would have never left the place.

I see that the temperatures up in Chicago are going to drop again this week, and it's going to snow again. But don't worry, I won't gloat. Especially because I can also see that by the weekend it'll be hot again in Chicago, and by hot I mean in the mid forties.


  1. Ah yes - I'm from Michigan and I remember those severe winters where the wind rips your face off. Here in England we have cold but rarely snow. Oh I won't get started on the English weather.

    Even as I write this my mother and sister are wintering near Tamps...in a trailer park...playing bingo and knitting.

  2. Suck it until the Philly spring thaw, Alan.
