Friday, January 6, 2012

Photo Friday

What do you do with a five hundred dollar blender?

Margaritas of course
(Yes, that is the actual Vitamix Blender)


  1. Yummy! I bet they are delicious!!!

  2. OK - I'm going to have to google the Vitamix blender and read up on it.

  3. You'll love the vitamix once you learn your way around it. It's really improved my life because while I always hating eating vegetables (that weren't drenched in butter, seasoning, etc), it's effortless to DRINK them. The vitamix pulverizes the solid veggies into a juice (with the fiber and everything retained). It's made a tremendous difference in my health.

  4. It is a $500 blender after all.

  5. Let me see you always complain about not how all my ideas will cost you a $1,300. propane/natural gas emergency whole house generator, yet you and Mark go and spend about half that on present for yourself and other things that I would consider luxuries. I guess you have your priorities. Just sayin.... Enjoy the Mararitas :-)

  6. Quite judgemental "Anonymous" older brother!!! Alan, enjoy your luxury, we all have our priorites!
