Thursday, September 20, 2012


I don't know how he does it. Chandler, he seems to be able to see through walls. It is pitch black outside, the television is turned up so that the senior citizens in the living room can hear it, yet Chandler knows that there is a possum on the other side of the wall. He is standing with his tail and ears up, and he is in the same stance I see him in just before charging to grab a lizard. He's just staring at that wall. What is even more amazing is that when the possum moves along the outside wall towards the deck out back, Chandler moves with it. There is no way he can see the thing, so he must hear it's little feet on the concrete.

The possum isn't always so stealthy. Earlier it had walked in front of the living room window on it's way to eat some cat food, and Chandler went ballistic. I honestly think that some day that dog will go through the window. I suppose some of Chandler's obsession with the possum is my fault. Yesterday I kept asking him if he wanted to get the possum. Of course he did, and when I opened the door Chandler ran after it, scaring the hell out of the cats, but not getting within twenty feet of the possum. The possum knows the fastest way to get under that deck. I don't know what Chandler would do if he caught the possum. The late, great, Molly caught one once. It played dead, and all she did was sniff it.


  1. Our late Ammie caught a possum once. There he laid, feet up, eyes closed, as I dragged my dog into the house. Rick grabbed a shovel and I got a garbage bag and we went out to dispose of him..... and he was GONE!!! His little game worked like a charm!

  2. Our dog chases squirrels all the time. She will never catch one but she loves chasing them. That too is our fault, mostly mine, because she hears get the squirrel, or where's the squirrel all the time! Dogs do have that "get the critter" sense!

  3. Awesome laser-eye Chandler artwork. You get an A+ today. Pop off and get yourself a drink...

  4. Yes, dogs have get the critter sense. In fact Chandler knows the difference. If you say squirrel, he looks up in the tree or on the wires. If you say lizard, he runs around looking in the grass and on rocks. If you say Mark, he runs into the bedroom and jumps on the bed. He knows just where to find each thing.

  5. Here in LA, there's a family (aka gang) of possums that traipse casually across the back yard on many nights depositing fleas as they go. When I let my Corgi out before bed, I always turn the spotlight on since he's about the size of a possum. Of course the darn thing freezes. I've found that hissing while blocking a crazed Corgi, snaps the rodent out of it and it runs for a palm. Course the neighbors must wonder about me.
