Monday, September 10, 2012

Tattoo You

I am not a fan of tattoos. If you want to mark up your skin with  permanent versions of the doodles I used to make on my hand in high school, good for you. I just don't get it, nor do I want such a thing on my skin. After an adolescence of constantly fighting off gigantic pimples, and blackheads the size of a quarter, I was very happy with the smooth skin that finally showed up in my twenties. So if tattoos turn you on, by all means go out and get one. There is one thing though that you need to know before you go out and get a tattoo. Do not shop around for the cheapest tattoo artist you can find. Don't go to that place next to the bar you just got drunk in. That's the reason that place is where it is, drunks can't tell that the guy with the needle just spelled your boyfriend's name wrong. Also know that it might seem like a good idea to get Love and Hate on your knuckles, or a tear drop on your cheek. It's not a good idea, unless you plan on spending some time in prison. I bring this subject up because of a girl that I was in line behind, at the CVS store. This is what she had tattooed on her back.

It is a simulation yes, but a very good simulation since I had about five minutes to stare at it while the cashier wandered around behind the counter, trying to find a pack of Salem Gold. The block letters were all out of line, and the name was spelled just like that. Now I Googled the name Williem, and it is a very, very rare way of spelling it. If her boyfriends name really is spelled Williem, I apologize. But I suspect she falls into that category of drunken girl out with her friends, who went to the tattoo parlor next to the bar, and her drunken friends thought it would be very funny not to tell her William was misspelled.

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