Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I might also need a diaper

I flipped over to one of the dozens of late night talk shows, and the host was talking to an actor named Bryan Cranston. I know that guy, I thought to myself. That's Hal, Malcolm's dad from the television show Malcolm in the Middle. But he wasn't talking about Malcolm in the Middle, he was plugging a different show called Breaking Bad. Believe it or not, I had never heard of Breaking Bad. It turns out that it is on the obscure cable channel called AMC and has actually been airing for five years. By the end of the interview, and after watching a film clip from the show, I was intrigued. So I turned on the Netflix machine, also known as Wii (Mark told me that the Wii machine would be good exercise. It is, for my thumb.), and looked to see if they had back episodes of Breaking Bad. They did, from the very first episode to the most recent one aired on AMC. I clicked on the
little icon and the show started. Seven hours later, blurry eyed and hungry, I had finished season one. I hear this is called binge watching. Whatever you call it I will have to be better prepared for seasons two through five. I think I should lay in a good supply of snacks, sodas, maybe a little vodka, but not too much, and a catheter. Oh, and I'll need a dog walker because I estimate I'll be watching Breaking Bad for at least fifty six hours.


  1. I started watching it in season 1 but found that I couldn't stand the violence. Especially after "Hal" dissolved a body in a bathtub with lye....yuck. I couldn't get over how Malcolms lovable Dad went bad!!

  2. You're becoming a TV junkie in my opinion.

  3. I, too, have not watched this very popular show but Terry Gross keeps banging on about it on Fresh Air and so I keep thinking that I should start buying the DVDs or...something. I'm afraid to watch it, though, because I think it gets too intense and I'm sensitive. Sort of.

  4. It's a well written and intriguing show! Even my girlfriend likes it and she's usually squeamish about violence. I've got her hooked on Dexter also, but she draws the line at American horror Story. Love the idea that a mind mannered chemistry teacher can say, Hey I can do that.

  5. Love Dexter but haven't watched Breaking Bad. Lots of people say it's really good so maybe after your endorsement Alan, I'll be watching from the start. Too bad I didn't think of this before I had to go back to work!!
