Thursday, October 31, 2019


I drove out to visit Mom again yesterday. As usual I took Lake Shore Drive down to the Dan Ryan. It's a nice drive down the lakefront, even in the gray and rainy weather yesterday. I like to get in the inside lane, set my cruise control to sixty miles per hour and relax. Because the speed limit is forty miles per hour I usually don't have to worry about tailgaters, and if somebody does want to do more than twenty over the limit, I move over and let them by. So I'm cruising along, nobody in front of me, when a black Scion cuts over into my lane. Here is my problem. Scion driver is an asshole. Pure, assholiness driving a cheap version of a Toyota. He's doing under fifty in the left hand lane, while to the right of him are cars going faster. So I change lanes to go around him and as I come up even with him, he speeds up. So I speed up. Then he speeds up even faster. So I give in and drop back in behind him. He then slows back down to forty five. This is Chicago. He doesn't know me. I could be an even bigger asshole with a gun. It happens often here. Road rage punctuated by guns. No matter how I try to get around Scion asshole, he won't let me. It's not like I was tailgating him. I wasn't, not at all. He simply wanted to be an asshole that day. I did finally get him when the highway broadened to five lanes after the river bridge. I then set the cruise control to seventy miles per hour and never saw that guy again. The End.

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