Thursday, October 10, 2019

On Target

Monday, October 26, 2009

Too Good For Wal-Mart

I am in Target pushing around one of their new light weight shopping carts, and I am glad for that because I have had to cover ten times the distance I usually do when I shop here. Not only are these carts light weight, but they can hold almost twice as much crap as the old ones, and that has made Mark happy. The reason I have to cover so much extra ground on this shopping trip, is because overnight the nice people at Target have re-arranged the entire store. The result is that when I went to get Chandler a nice chewy toy, the dog and cat area wasn't there anymore. Instead of dog toys and kitty litter, there was a wall of televisions and video games. Despite getting directions to the pet department, I still ended up getting lost. You would think that Mark would be helping me with his innate ability to find his way around stores, but no, he disappeared within moments of entering the place, lured away by the adventure of exploring Target.After a long meandering hike, I finally found the pet department, and got Chandler something to chew on. You see Chandler has been a bad boy lately and has been chewing on things that aren't his. I figured if I got him a chew toy, he would stop chewing on the table legs, vacuum cleaner cord, and Mark. Unfortunately, because of the delay caused by getting lost in Target, Chandler had time to eat one of my shoe insoles. He didn't just chew it, he chewed, ate, and swallowed the thing, and I blame it all on Target. Maybe when he poops out pieces of the Doctor Scholl's gel insole later, I'll pick them up, and see if Target will let me return them.


Is that a wire Chandler is chewing on????
The cord to the vacuum cleaner.
Oh, mine looks like that when I run over it.....

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