Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Not Tweaking

Two weird, totally unrelated things.

First. I live in Chicago, Chicago has rats. I don't have any in my house, but they're out there. So I keep a couple of rat traps on the enclosed back porch at all times. I caught a rat in a regular snap trap last week and threw the trap and the rat out. Then I replaced that trap with two sticky board traps. Large ones that said "For Rats" on the package. Yesterday the dogs were sniffing around the box I hid the traps behind, so I looked. One trap had been moved, and the other trap was gone. I started looking. Under shelves, behind boxes, under the porch. Everywhere, but no trap. I figure the rat got caught in such a way that it could still walk and escaped off the porch and into the yard. So somewhere in our neighborhood is a rat wearing a rat trap on its back. Creeps me out just a little bit.

Second weird thing. A dream I had this morning. In this dream the person who I am with (A regular character in my dreams, whose face I never see.) tells me that there is a new pinball and slot machine parlor next door. I go over there. It turns out that the pinball/slot machine parlor is actually just a room off to the side of a porn store. I ask the woman at the counter for quarters and hand her two dollars. She looks at me and says, "Is that all?" I tell her, yes. Then she asks me if I'm tweaking. I tell her, "Not in fifty years." So it turns out that it is only a front for a whore house, and I tell the lady who asked me if I was tweaking that porn is now free on the internet. I don't have sex with prostitutes, and her pinball machines are all broken.

Like I said, weird. I think it was the corned beef and Swiss cheese I ate just before going to bed.

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