Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The Future Looks Rosy

Way back in the olden days, before television, when my older brother and sister had to watch the Rose Parade on the radio, it wasn’t such a big deal. Years later, when I was a little guy, New Years day meant watching the Rose Parade on our little, round screen, black and white television. That of course made it a little more entertaining, being able to see it and all.

Yesterday morning I started watching the Rose Parade, hosted by Al Roker, in high definition television (HDTV). The picture was spectacular. Every flower petal on the floats and wrinkle on Al’s face popped out at you like you could touch it, not that I would want to touch Al Roker’s face. Unfortunately, after thirty minutes, I realized I was bored. When did parades turn into bad imitation Broadway shows strung out, up and down a street. Every float or group stopped in front of the cameras and had a little number to do before moving on down the street. Sort of an assembly line musical show, in high definition of course.
I do like the HDTV, but it certainly doesn’t make the shows any more interesting. The more advanced technology gets, the more boring life seems to be. Before television, people got out of the house and socialized, even if it was just down at the corner tavern. Even music is boring now. Downloaded music is sterile, just music, nothing else. I miss reading the big LP covers with all of the pictures and notes. I need a magnifying glass just to read the cover of a CD. I also find that computers get boring after awhile, how many times can you play ‘Spider Solitaire’ before your mind goes numb?

So maybe the television writers strike is a blessing in disguise. Instead of watching TV, people will go out and socialize, you know meet each other and talk. The only problem with that is, when I go out to the neighborhood tavern, everybody is on their cell phone or ‘texting’ a message to someone at the other end of the bar. That is not socializing, that is boring.


  1. My television receives HD signals but is not an HDTV. It would be nice to see Al Roker's wrinkles.....not! But, I am a bit overwhelmed by the way technology is ever changing. I took forever to even get a cell phone. I still don't think I need it but I have gotten used to it. You are right. We have become less and less human. Let's hope it doesn't get worse.

  2. Our lives need to be more about people rather than "things."

  3. That's right Anonymous! Here's to making people our main priority for the new year.

  4. Some things you can do to put people before video games, surfing the net, watching TV.

    Ask the grocery cashier how she/he is doing today and thank them for ringing up and bagging your groceries.

    Say "Hi" to a stranger when passing them on the street.

    When someone asks you how you are doing, be truthful. Express your feelings and concerns too.

    Don't be afraid to converse with people. Conversation is becoming a lost art.

    Call someone you haven't spoke with in a long time and say "Hi."

    Write a friend a card or a letter and mail it.

    Send you mom, dad, grand [arents flowers for no reason but because you love them. (do it today rather than at their funeral)

    Give a kid a job whether it's yardwork, washing your car, or cutting you lawn. (do this rather than hiring professionals or going to a carwash) It will teach them good work ethics and keep them out of trouble.

    Try skipping instead of jogging. You'll make people smile.

    Don't comb your hair before you go shopping. Just tell people your having a bad hair day.

    Most of all learn to laugh more. You know the ole saying.....about the best medicine.

  5. Sometimes the anonymous make the most sense.
