Thursday, August 16, 2012


Why... my dogs bark at the cat that sits on the table outside my living room window, the same cat, the same time, every single day of the year? my dogs bark at my tenant who has been living here for over two years, when he walks through the back yard on his way to the laundry room, every single time? my dogs bark at me, the guy that feeds them, walks them, and rubs their bellies, when I walk out into the back yard? politicians think I will vote for them after they have called my house fifty times in the last week while I am eating my dinner? some people think it is alright to stand in the middle of a grocery store blocking the aisle, and stare off into space? those same people wait until they are standing in a doorway to stop and try to figure out where they are going? some people wait until the cashier tells them their total before they start digging in their purse/pocket/wallet for the exact change?

..does Mark always ask me to do something just as soon as I have sat down?

Okay, I guess we know the answer to that last one.


  1. the great mysteries of life!

  2. ditto And yes Why do I always get in the check out lane at any store and a person ahead of me waits until they are given the total to start writing out a check...but then either can't find a pen or their pen is not working or the cashier can't find a pen either because who writes checks out anymore. Then this customer realizes they have used up all their checks and has to run back to their car to get a new checkbook but then never returns. And this is the EXPRESS LANE!

  3. I don't have the answer to anything, including what I'm going to have for dinner, but that is a very nice picture of Chandler gazing outside.

  4. I'm a very deep thinker. I know what I'm having for dinner, Purina One Small Bites.

  5. Chandler, ask your Daddy to add bacon bits on top!

  6. Why do I always HAVE to go into our tiny kitchen whenever Andy goes in there for any reason? I do not know but for some reason I must. And I must get in his way so that he can't open the cabinet.

  7. Amen to #5. Just had the same experience but magnified. Was so miffed that I had to write a post about it. And the thing with waiting to the bitter end to start writing the check. Why indeed?

  8. Really nice photo of Chandler!!

  9. WHY do 3 lanes of traffic in a 45 MPH zone have to be blocked, straight across by 3 morons all doing 40MPH??!! And people wonder why there is so much road-rage!!
