Monday, August 13, 2007

Our trip to Georgia part four (finger lickin good)

After four days in Atlanta, we drove to Savannah. On the way we stopped at a Kentucky Fried Chicken in a small town in Georgia. At the counter where you order your chicken there was a large (2’ x 4’)poster of the ten commandments and they were playing ‘christian’ pop music on the sound system. It made me wonder. What do they have on the wall of the churches here? The KFC menu?

My take on ‘christian’ pop music is that if you aren’t good enough to make it in mainstream music (You know like Paris Hilton), you go christian because their musical standards are much lower.

After I used their washroom, I decided they need one more commandment. #11: “Thou shalt clean thine toilet and put no filthy toilets before thy god”.


  1. i totally agree with your opinion on christian pop. I heard someone say recently that it's getting hard to tell christian pop from regular pop, so they concluded that christian pop must be getting better.
    I completely disagree, (though I know it makes me sound old) I just think pop music in general is getting worse and worse. So now christian pop and regular pop are operating at a similar level of suck.

  2. I say we pay both these guysto travel around the USA discovering the quirky customs that exist. The report them to this blog for our entertainment. Well done Alan. You've discovered a new talent as a writer.

  3. Laura Said,
    i totally agree with your opinion on christian pop. I heard someone say recently that it's getting hard to tell christian pop from regular pop, so they concluded that christian pop must be getting better.
    I completely disagree, (though I know it makes me sound old) I just think pop music in general is getting worse and worse. So now christian pop and regular pop are operating at a similar level of suck.

    Laura, I would also like to clarify. I don't include 'gospel' with christian pop. Some great music has come from gospel. I'm talking about white bread christian pop. And yes pop music has gotten horrible. A little hip hop influence is OK, just a little. To find good music nowadays you have to look hard. It's not routinely played on the radio as it was when I was young.

  4. Aside from the music (which is as annoying as the "born-again, shove Jesus down your throat christian"), I'm just glad to see that "gizzards are back"! Wonder where they went? On vacation? They sure didn't come up North as we throw them thare parts in the trash. Gizzards are in the same group as ham hocks, tongue and not meant to be eaten! I learned THAT at nursing school!

  5. agreed on the gospel and SOME hip hop.
    basically, if the dance floor goes crazy when it's played at a dance club I don't want to hear it.
    not that I spend much time in dance clubs...
