Monday, November 16, 2009

Help Me! Help Me!

Right now at this very moment, Mark is being a gigantic flaming asshole. He is calling me names, and throwing crap around in the kitchen. His rant today is being caused by a fly that he claims I purposely let in the back door. "I can't cook with a goddamned fly in the kitchen!! Every goddamned day you let a goddamned fly in! You dumb, jackass, goddamned, sonofabitch!!!", and that's the cleaned up version. He uses even more despicable language than I have the nerve to put in a story my mom will probably read.

It seems that there are a species of fly who have an intelligence above and beyond the average fly. They apparently know exactly what days Mark cooks dinner, and the exact time that I will be opening the door to throw out the garbage, and they are able to coordinate their being outside the door with those times. It is quite amazing, I open the door for five seconds to throw the bag of garbage in the can, and bzzzzzzzt, in a fat hungry fly comes. It happens every time, and I don't know how to stop it. The problem is that Mark has no tolerance for bugs in the kitchen, and for that I am happy, but how the hell is it my fault that these flies have figured out how to get in on eating Mark's cooking? I don't think I'm going to be able to outsmart these flies, but I did just get an idea of what to get Mark for his birthday.


  1. Could it be Chandler poop that is attracting the flies?
    I seem to remember LOTS of Molly poop outside my back door...

  2. Is that swatter to hit YOU with??? Be careful!!!

  3. COME ON its a fly. You know that thing could be living IN the kitchen.
    Does he keep Chandler out of the kitchen? I'm sure that dogs tongue has been in places ....

  4. Chandler has taken to tasting other dogs poop when we go walkies.

  5. It is your fault, you just admitted it in your blog.

    You quote, "...I open the door for five seconds to throw the bag of garbage in the can, and bzzzzzzzt, in a fat hungry fly comes. It happens every time, and I don't know how to stop it."

    The answer is to MOVE the god-dang garbage can away from the kitchen door so it doesn't attract FLIES!

    'nuf said.
