Thursday, November 19, 2009

Video Thursday

I was watching the news and saw this on the local NBC channel here in Miami. Stupid me didn't think to TiVo it, so I had to find the video for my blog from another source. Here is the WGN Television video of it. Basically it is about the top places to raise children in the United States. The number one location made me pee in my pants.

Now it's not that I don't agree with their findings, it's just that I'm amazed that my home town where I grew up is number one. Fifty years ago, when the population was just around 5000, it was a kids paradise, but now? Every time I return it just looks like another cookie cutter suburb, with too many strip malls, and lot's of chain restaurants. Other than the quaint old center of the town, it is boring. Also, the cool, scary woods that we used to play in have been subdivided into homes, and what is left is just a sterile park.


  1. Your mom and dad were ahead of their time.

  2. Isn't it funny how far a place can come?? When I was in nursing school and said where I was from, the most common response was "where is THAT?!!" But I have to say that my grade school class just had a reunion and we all seem pretty happy with our roots. But you're right Alan, no one walks to school anymore...the town is too big!

  3. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Now this is funny!
