Monday, October 1, 2007

Why can't you give me the respect that I'm entitled to?

I like watching sports. Baseball is usually good for insomnia. I find it can put me to sleep on a bed of nails if it’s a "Pitchers Duel". Basketball is a good sport if you have ‘ADHD’ (that attention deficit thing), because they keep running up and down the court like maniacs. That is until the last minute, then they can stretch it out for half an hour.

My favorite sport , however, is football. I don’t know why, maybe because they keep stopping play long enough for me to go get a snack or take a pee. The older you get, the more important the pee part becomes.

So I’m watching the Bears yesterday with great hope because now they will be using a more experienced quarterback. Ha!! He apparently had experience in throwing interceptions. The trouble is, the Bears already had a quarterback who could do that.

Now as I watched the game yesterday, it reminded me of the movie mommy dearest. After all they do have those big shoulder pads, like Joan Crawford. Also they were being bitch slapped around by the Detroit Lions like young Christina Crawford was by her mother. In fact I think Brian Griese was slapped around more by the Lions yesterday than Christina was in that closet with the wire hangers.

I do hope the Bears get it together this year, and soon. Because I usually get all the sleep I need Sunday morning, and I don’t need the Bears to bore me to sleep on Sunday afternoon.


  1. No comment...never got into the sports thing, although I did love to play softball and volleyball as a teen. Watching it just seems like a waste of time...unless you need help to go to sleep!!

  2. It amazes me how you can combine such butch subject matter (sports) with such gay images. Great job.

  3. Did anyone know Poughkipsey, NY has a job opening for a tree climber.... and oh they don't discriminate against the handicapped. hmmmmm
